New Soft Serve Ice Cream Shop in Summerville
here's just something about soft-serve ice cream. Maybe it brings back memories of stopping for a soft-serve cone at a local ice cream shop when…
Local Business Spotlight for September is Wood’s Ace Hardware & Mercantile
It's Local Business Spotlight time and this time Life in Summerville picked a unique store located right on Old Trolley Road. If you are a…
Don’t Miss New Content on the Suzy Torres Life in Summerville YouTube Channel
Check out some of my latest videos from my YouTube channel and make sure to hit the blue subscribe button. I have lots of great…
Beautiful Homes for Sale in the Summerville Area
There are so many beautiful homes for sale in the Summerville area. Here are a just a few that are definitely worth checking out!
Local Business Spotlight – Luxe Espresso & Wine Bar
It's Local Business Spotlight time and this time Life in Summerville picked a spot that offers local brews, wine, live music, trivia nights, and...goat yoga!…